As designers, we occasionally need digital versions of electronic devices to use in our designs. All to often however, we find that the device we need doesn’t actually exist in the format that we need. In times like those, having experience building realistic-looking electronic devices in Photoshop can be a real life-saver. In this tutorial we will learn how to draw a digital camera using Photoshop.
Step 1
In new document, create a new layer, call it “camera1”. Use Rounded Rectangle Tool (set Radius: 20px) to draw a shape like (1a) and fill it any color (1b). Then open Blending Options and setting (1c).
Step 2
Create new layer on top, call it “camera2”. While holding “Ctrl” down click on “camera1” to obtain its selection. Go to menu Select > Modify > Contract, set Contract By: 7px. Then fill it any color.
Step 3
Press Ctrl + T, right click on the image and choose Perspective. Then while holding “Alt” down change “camera2” like (3a).
Use Rectangular Marquee Tool to make the like (3b) and press Delete (3c). Then open Blending Options and use settings described in (3d).
Step 4
Press Ctrl + J to duplicate “camera2”, rename new layer “camera3”. Delete its Blending Options and reduce Fill to 0%. Then open Blending Options and use setting described in (4a).
Step 5
Use Rectangle Marquee Tool to delete the following below.
Step 6
Press Ctrl + J to duplicate “camera3”, rename new layer “camera3 noise”. Reduce its Fill to 100% and delete its Blending Option. While holding “Ctrl” down click on “camera3” to obtain its selection. Go to menu Filter > Noise > Add Noise, set like (6a). Then go to menu Filter > Blur > Blur. Change the layer Blending Mode to Multiply and reduce Opacity to 7% (6b).
Step 7
Create new layer on top of “camera1”, call it “camera right”. Move it left like (7a). Repeat step 2. Then make the selection like (7b) and press Delete.
Press Ctrl + T, right click on the image and choose Perspective. While holding “Alt” down change “camera2” like (7c). Then open Blending Options and use settings described in (7d).
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