Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Download WinStep Nexus Dock with Live Icon Reflection and System Tray Support

"WinStep Nexus Dock" is a FREE dock for Windows users which provides live icon reflections along with many eye candy effects.
Major Highlights of 10.3 Release:
In-dock system tray, ability to customize the images of the dock control icon and the clock, recycler, cpu, net, ram and email checker widgets, option to open context sub-menus on mouse-over, major reorganization of right-click context menus, full and seamless integration of native Nexus and 3rd party dock skins (no longer separate), option NOT to flip dock backgrounds for docks located at the top of the screen, and much, much, more.
Features List:
  • Live icon reflections.
  • Dock magnification, swing, bounce, afterglow and many other incredible mouse over effects.
  • Water ripple, fluid surface, fluid reflections and many more dock animation effects.
  • Automatic Vista glass blur for semi-transparent dock backgrounds.
  • Dock auto-hide and auto-collapse to take up as little screen space as possible.
  • Built-in clock, weather, recycler, fortune cookie reader, email checker, net, cpu and ram meter docklets/widgets.
  • Over 80 useful internal commands.
  • Ability to prevent maximized windows from overlapping the dock.
  • Supports drag & drop of virtual file system objects (My Computer, Control Panel, etc...).
  • Completely customizable - thousands of backgrounds freely available.
  • Fully compatible with skins for all other docks.
  • Full drag & drop support with extremely easy to use and intuitive interface.
  • Multi language support.
  • Includes Update Manager to look for, download, and automatically install new versions.
  • ... and many, many, other incredible features! Click More Details below to find out more!
Its absolutely free and works on Windows 9x, NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista and 7. It also supports 64-bit Windows versions.
You can download it using following link:

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